From: Justice.gov.uk Subject: REMINDER NOTICE DO NOT IGNORE Content: REMINDER NOTICE DO NOT IGNORE To: [my email address here] Case: Continue Reading
Spam stuff I receive in my inbox.
From: Justice.gov.uk Subject: REMINDER NOTICE DO NOT IGNORE Content: REMINDER NOTICE DO NOT IGNORE To: [my email address here] Case: Continue Reading
“For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed Continue Reading
From: William Adama Subject: Greetings My Dear Friend, Content: Greetings My Dear Friend, Before I introduce myself, I wish to Continue Reading
Ooh, a miracle cure for fat people. From: Melt My Fat Subject: Melt at least 9kg Content: No doctor in Continue Reading
OH NOES From: Nationwide Building Society Subject: Access Blocked Content: Nationwide Customer, Your Online access have been blocked. To ensure Continue Reading