
Book: Wife Maintenance Quarterly by Michael Pugh

Wife Maintenance QuarterlyAs soon as you read the blurbs on the back cover you just know that this book is going to be amusing.

Wife Maintenance Quarterly changed my life,” Barry Barrinson writes. “I applied each and every one of its golden lessons and now I read it to my son when I see him on my weekends.”

This book gives men the tips and knowledge required to maintain their wives with insights on such topics as weight, wife points, threesomes, driving and the threat of being committed to the Feral Wives Centre.

Don’t be alarmed by the small size of this book – it is like a pocket-sized Haynes manual on how to get the best from your little lady. Illustrated with beautiful pencil drawings for the illiterate, its sage advice will guide you through the minefield of having your wife look good, act demure while still not opening her gob and putting not just her feet in it, but yours as well. There are even useful coupons at the end of the book which I redeemed with great gusto.

Wife Maintenance Quarterly is a parody of the highest order. It will make you laugh and even make you wonder if some of its outrageous suggestions could possibly work in real life. I tried. I don’t advise that you do.

Wife Maintenance Quarterly is available from Projects of Pugh priced at a stocking-filler-busting four quids.

Note: misogyny is not big or clever. Reading this book will require up to seven minutes of self-flagellation.